New virus could devastate fish farms
PIKETON, Ohio - A newly emerging fish virus spreading among wild species is causing concerns in Ohio's farmed aquaculture industry.
Pa. ranked fourth in grape, apple production
Strawberry plant is one in a million
COLLEGE PARK, Md. - Five Aces Breeding owner Harry Swartz spent 30 years traveling the world on a quest to find the perfect strawberry plant.
What’s the deal with trans fats?
LEXINGTON, Ky. - Efforts to eliminate or reduce trans fats in Americans' diets have made headlines in recent months.
The chain gang
Many people, when they finish their day's work, like to kick off their shoes, stretch out in front of the TV and relax.
Fuel at its finest
WELLSVILLE, Ohio - Tucked in the corner of John Russell's barn is an odd collection of items. There's a water heater and a fish pump.
Eminent domain legislation nixed
SALEM, Ohio - A piece of legislation that would have asked Ohioans to put eminent domain rights into the state constitution has been rejected.
Farmers gear up for speed protection
SALEM, Ohio - The Ohio House and Senate have both unanimously passed legislation that would allow farmers to drive "fast tractors" up to 40 mph on roadways.
From bottles to books
WINESBURG, Ohio - One step into Lou McFadden's home and you know you've got more than an amateur collector on your hands.
Above and beyond: Ohio teens earn national community service awards
COLUMBUS, Ohio - Two Ohio 4-H members received national recognition in Washington recently. Awards.