Monday, December 23, 2024
cutting meat

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine recently awarded $14 million to meat harvesting and processing facilities in Ohio through the Ohio Meat Processing Grant Program.
Manure agitation

The American Farm Bureau Federation County Activities of Excellence awards recognized 12 Ohio counties.
Stark Parks volunteers

Stark Parks celebrated volunteer accomplishments in 2024 at the annual Volunteer Recognition Dinner at the Exploration Gateway at Sippo Lake Park.
Christmas trees on a farm.

Alaska’s Tongass National Forest will provide a tree for this year's 2024 U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree Whistle-Stop Tour.

New USDA rule mandates electronic ID tags for cattle/bison from Nov. 5, aiming to improve traceability; sparks debate on privacy, cost and industry control.
east knox ffa

Catch up on local FFA news from West Holmes FFA, Black River FFA, East Knox FFA, Northwestern FFA and Fayetteville FFA.
Zombie Tree

This Halloween, as leaves begin to turn colors and fall from trees, is the time to watch out for a scary threat you might find in your yard — zombie trees. 

Parts of the Geauga Park District will be closed this fall and winter for the controlled hunting program.

H2Ohio Students Take Action invites middle and high school classes in northwest Ohio to participate in its outdoor educational program this school year.
red oak acorns

Acorn production is strong in red oak trees this year, according to the 2024 Acorn Mast Survey conducted by the ODNR.