Federal court’s decision sets a precedent
Does it set a precedent against labor union membership, too?
It’s time to change milk bonding laws
Parmalat's problems clearly illustrates the need to update laws in Pennsylvania.
Might be more to cause of dead cows than meets the eye
Reader questions other possible causes of cattle death.
Counterattack on The Passion of the Christ
One reader wants to know why Christianity is under attack.
Laura Bush breath of fresh air
Writer has searched for someone to say something good about the Billary presidency.
Laura Bush article was slanted
Reader doesn't remember any Farm and Dairy articles about Hillary Clinton's accomplishments.
Need to get back to legacy as caretaker
Reader Mary Gibson says corporate farming takes none of the risks and reaps all of the rewards.
People should take back presidential primaries
Registered voters and concerned citizens of this country are subjected to the outrageous nonsense of presidential primaries.
Locals keep authority to regulate factory farms
Pennsylvania's House Bill 1222 vetoed; preserves local authority to resolve agricultural conflict.
Americans must stick together to get through hard times
We can no longer hold grudges against one another as Democrats, Republicans or Independents.