Preventing accidents less costly than dealing with them
One reader gives tips for moving farm equipment safely on the roads.
Bush didn’t cause all U.S. problems
Reader says you can't point to the current administration for all of this country's current woes.
Early Christians didn’t have Bible as we know it
The apostles and martyrs didn't have the Bible, but reader Kevin Sherlock bets they're "saved" anyway.
Reader sounds off on ancestry and Passion
Reader disputes last week's writer who said Judith Sutherland is a victim of lying ancestors.
Spring means schools visit farms
School trips should visit family farms, not CAFOs.
Columnist perpetuates family lore, but it’s just a myth
Family trees are often filled with more fiction than fact, observes reader Kevin Sherlock.
Return of morality will heal our country
We attack Mel Gibson, but continue to support abortion, this reader observes.
Federal court’s decision sets a precedent
Does it set a precedent against labor union membership, too?
Might be more to cause of dead cows than meets the eye
Reader questions other possible causes of cattle death.
Counterattack on The Passion of the Christ
One reader wants to know why Christianity is under attack.