Animal ID and animal welfare: Strange bedfellows
Editor:We are opposed to a mandatory National Animal Identification System, NAIS, because it will be financially devastating to the small farmer and rancher. Such...
Where should I direct my anger?
Editor:Forgive me if I sound angry -- but as I read your article, "Farmers face uphill climb in D.C.," I have a hard time...
Stop working, buying and selling on the Lord’s day
Editor:The question arises as to what the ordinary citizen can do regarding the economy, etc., realizing that the majority cannot comprehend the billions involved...
Are we inefficient or more conscientious?
Editor:In reference to the article titled "Obama: Cut direct farm payments" published in the March 5 issue of Farm and Dairy, I know a...
U.S. needs to produce, not just consume
Editor:More credit is not the answer to America's economic problem. Consuming beyond our means is what created our dilemma. Thirty years ago, I worked...
Prisons are overcrowded, not efficient
Editor,I am a Farm and Dairy subscriber and an inmate in federal prison. There was an article in your Jan. 22 issue titled "Millions...
Conditions of the heart
Editor:When we stop and think about it, the conditions of our heart are determined by the experiences we encounter throughout our life span. Songs,...
People need jobs
Editor:A federally funded work program is needed to put unemployed to work. Employers should register employees needed with job descriptions and skills required with...
Milk pricing system needs to change
In these times of plunging milk prices, it must be remembered that traders on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange who are driving down milk prices...
Delegates were smart to vote down Premises ID
Editor:In the Jan. 8 Farm and Dairy Letters to the Editor, Mr. McKarns recapped part of the 90th annual Farm Bureau meeting of 2008....