Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

Editor: I found the article from Normand St-Pierre about feeding for pounds of fat and protein to be quite interesting, and his closing comments in...

Editor: My days in 4-H seem so long ago, yet they are with me every day. At the time, my 4-H projects were activities I...

Editor: I couldn’t believe it when I was told by my mom that Morrow County was in serious jeopardy of losing its 4-H program. I...

Editor: In his book titled The Great Awakening, Jim Wallis relates the importance of integrity and accountability in doing what’s right and proper in finding...

Editor:In his commentary, "Can't feed the hungry without farmers," in the March 26 issue, Denny Banister makes some very valid points. His common sense...

Editor: The AIG outrage is only an extension of the outrage that has been foisted on the American taxpayer for years and years by...

Editor:I'm writing today in regard to a recent Alan Guebert column regarding the soybean checkoff. As a long-time volunteer farmer involved with the soybean...

Editor:We are opposed to a mandatory National Animal Identification System, NAIS, because it will be financially devastating to the small farmer and rancher. Such...

Editor:Forgive me if I sound angry -- but as I read your article, "Farmers face uphill climb in D.C.," I have a hard time...

Editor:The question arises as to what the ordinary citizen can do regarding the economy, etc., realizing that the majority cannot comprehend the billions involved...