There is no “bait and switch” in food industry
Editor:I feel mildly abused and somewhat insulted by Ms. Seabolt's column of May 21, 2009. Having worked in the food industry most of my...
Reader welcomes HSUS to Ohio with open arms
Editor:As a Farm Bureau member, the victim of one of the six Park Farms broiler grow-out operations now unable to sell my home for...
The hidden cost of animal ID enrollment
Editor:I recently analyzed a USDA spreadsheet for National Animal Identification System (NAIS) bribes — sanitized as cooperative agreements. These are the funds received by...
Article endorsement for Jerseys
I found the article from Normand St-Pierre about feeding for pounds of fat and protein to be quite interesting, and his closing comments in...
Soldier credits 4-H for building leadership skills
My days in 4-H seem so long ago, yet they are with me every day. At the time, my 4-H projects were activities I...
Keep 4-H in Morrow County
I couldn’t believe it when I was told by my mom that Morrow County was in serious jeopardy of losing its 4-H program. I...
Our values have consequences
In his book titled The Great Awakening, Jim Wallis relates the importance of integrity and accountability in doing what’s right and proper in finding...
There is no answer to your question
Editor:In his commentary, "Can't feed the hungry without farmers," in the March 26 issue, Denny Banister makes some very valid points. His common sense...
Americans should spend more wisely
The AIG outrage is only an extension of the outrage that has been foisted on the American taxpayer for years and years by...
Facts about the soybean checkoff
Editor:I'm writing today in regard to a recent Alan Guebert column regarding the soybean checkoff. As a long-time volunteer farmer involved with the soybean...