Saturday, January 4, 2025
Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

Editor:The current recall from Toyota Motor Corporation brings to light an experience we previously had. Last fall while motoring to the Amish country, we...

Editor: As someone who grew up down the road from a dairy farm in Belmont County, I have great respect for Ohio's farmers. If you...

Editor:There continues to be a belief with some livestock farmers in Ohio that no one can or will regulate animal care in the state....

Editor:Issue Two is the attempt by the Ohio Farm Bureau to negate the efforts of HSUS on behalf of the animals being raised on...

Editor:In regard to your Oct. 1 column, we agree that cap and trade is a BAD IDEA for Ohio AND farmers !! South Central...

Editor:As a former Fairfield Township trustee who served for 32 years and now retired, I am still greatly concerned for the people I worked...

Editor:Every morning I wake up, this country of ours seems a little more unrecognizable. The government seems to have its hand in just about...

Editor:The Washington Ruritan Club regretfully announces that they will no longer be holding their annual turkey supper. We wish to thank the many people...

Editor:In Editor Susan Crowell's Sept. 9 column, "Obama school speech furor: You can tell it was a slow news day," you dismissed as unwarranted...

Editor:The 2009 annual Harrison County Junior Fair Livestock Sale has come and gone, and was a tremendous success. A special thanks goes out to...