Saturday, September 21, 2024

The basic problem with writing a grain marketing column for (gulp) 22 years is that readers start to assume the writer knows something. The...

We seem to be locked into trading ranges on the Chicago Board of Trade. In absence of news, the market cycles higher and lower,...

If there is one thing to talk about in the grain markets, it is volatility. Grains have traded over wide ranges in short periods...

Prices crashed and burned Monday, and mostly are showing follow-through Tuesday. This is the biggest correction in a long time, and it is unwanted by anyone trying to buy grain or anyone trying to sell grain.

Everyone expects me to tell them the future of the grain markets, and the future is murky to me.

So, it is a typical Tuesday morning. Here at 9 a.m., I have made the fresh-ground one-third real Colombian Supreme and two-thirds decaf hazelnut...

The stock market took another dive, and it took the grains with it.

Watching the grain markets these days is like watching that optimistic kid digging through that pile of manure: There must be a pony in...

There is nothing in the grain commodity markets to indicate a return to what we now know are high prices.

A few weeks ago I said the bottom would be put in this sick market when the trade realized that the crop production estimate...