Farmers not interested in rebuilding beef cattle herds
WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. -- The nation's beef herd continues to decline. Due to several years of financial difficulty, producers have little interest in rebuilding...
Pa. wants to hear from farmers, veterinarians on lab issues
HARRISBURG, Pa. -- Pennsylvania's Animal Health and Diagnostic Commission is seeking producers and representatives of agricultural organizations to participate in a focus group on...
Tests find bovine TB in Paulding Co., Ohio, dairy herd
REYNOLDSBURG, Ohio -- Preliminary tests performed by the Ohio Department of Agriculture's Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory revealed a positive result for bovine tuberculosis in...
Pa. cattle quarantined after drilling wastewater leaked into pasture
HARRISBURG, Pa. -- The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture has quarantined cattle from a Tioga County farm after a number of cows came into contact...
Testing wheat for vomitoxin is crucial
WOOSTER, Ohio -- With wheat harvest now under way in Ohio, sampling and testing for vomitoxin in head scab-infected wheat is vital to prevent...
Giant ragweed on the rise in Pa.
Giant ragweed -- on the rise in Pennsylvania -- is one of the most difficult weeds to manage if it enters tilled fields and is a common problem in Ohio corn and soybean fields.
USDA hosting workshop in Wisconsin with Dept. of Justice
WASHINGTON -- The USDA and the Department of Justice will jointly hold a public workshop June 25 in Madison, Wis., to examine competition and...
Pa. milk board approves over-order premium formula change
HARRISBURG, Pa. -- The Pennsylvania Milk Marketing Board approved a change to the formula used to calculate Pennsylvania milk dealers' over-order premium payments to...
Farmers at Ohio Livestock Care Standards Board listening session: Don’t be rushed or bullied...
BUFFALO, Ohio -- Guernsey County cattleman Mike Davis' cow-calf herd has dwindled from 60 to 25 head. And he's not sure how much longer...
Wheat pest, cereal leaf beetle, making a comeback in Ohio
WOOSTER, Ohio -- This could be the year cereal leaf beetle makes a comeback in Ohio, causing widespread problems.Ohio State...