Monday, January 13, 2025

Large crowd attends care board meeting to voice opinions ... most appear content with decision.

FORT WAYNE, Ind. -- Ohio State, Purdue and Michigan State universities are partnering to present the 20th annual Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference April 19-20...

'Stacked' Bt corn hybrids use has increased significantly since 2006, reaching 47 percent of U.S. planted corn acres in 2010. But there's concern refuge compliance is eroding.

Following the finding of a TB-positive white-tailed deer in Michigan, any cattle, bison, and cervid farms within a 10-mile radius around where the deer was harvested must complete testing for bovine TB in the next six months.

As global food prices surge to their highest levels in years, climbing worldwide competition for feed grains could make 2011 an important growing season for U.S. livestock farms.

No radiation levels of concern have been detected in the U.S. from the nuclear reactor emissions in Japan.

According to a federal appeals court ruling, non-discharging CAFOs (confined animal feeding operations) do not need Clean Water Act permit coverage.

Ohio is hosting a new Beef 510 program, designed to build on the original 509 program to enhance producer knowledge from the pasture to the plate.

RALEIGH, N.C. -- The national debt is becoming a bigger and bigger issue. The debt represents money the U.S. government owes to someone. But...

CLEVELAND -- For the third consecutive quarter since the recession began, northeast Ohio has posted year-over-year employment gains. The quarterly Cleveland Plus Economic Review,...