Thursday, March 6, 2025
Corn during drought 2012

Crop insurance update: Farmers can graze or harvest a cover crop (planted now) as long as they stop by May 10, 2013.
Monsanto corn

Fueled by corn and soybean seeds and traits, net Monsanto sales for the full fiscal year were $13.5 billion, a 14 percent increase over fiscal year 2011. Net income for FY12 was $2 billion.

Milk prices will remain steady to higher in last few months of 2012.
Tom Vilsack

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack: Ag innovation gave us food security.

The death of a 61-year-old female Madison County, Ohio, resident is being linked to the H3N2v 'swine flu' virus.

Ohio’s Hay Directory, along with other drought-related information, is now available online.

Using the mobile app DairyCents is as easy as entering a zip code, selecting a milk production level, and date and the app will calculate income over feed costs.

Drought taking its toll on U.S. yield expectations.

Six water samples taken from Sandusky and north Maumee bays in Lake Erie tested positive for the presence of Asian carp environmental DNA in Michigan and Ohio waters.

A U.N. commission has approved an international standard for the veterinary drug ractopamine, a feed additive to promote leanness in pigs.