Thursday, March 6, 2025
wheat field

Marlin Clark details how the grain markets have been impacted by recent weather in the Great Plains and South America.
Brazil soybean plantation

Marlin Clark digs into how the grain markets have been affected by South American weather, sustainable aviation fuel production, shipping problems and more.
Standing corn in snow

Marlin Clark explains that there is not much change in the corn, soybean and wheat markets after the release of the WADSE report.
Brazil soybean plantation

Marlin Clark weighs in on the growing competition between the U.S. and Brazil in the grain markets.
grain silos

The end of November is normally not a great time for grain price changes, and we are on par this year. Marlin Clark weighs in on the grain markets.

Marlin Clark weighs in on the grain markets before Thanksgiving.

The USDA recently reported an increase of 1.9 bpa in corn yield, to 174.9 bpa for the national yield estimate — 90 million bushels over the record.
combine harvester

Marlin Clark weighs in on the grain markets as harvest progresses.
Soybean harvest 2017

Corn, soybean and wheat prices are reacting to harvest progress across the country. Marlin Clark offers insight into the grain markets.

Marlin Clark weighs in on the grain markets, finding that, after all the talk, crop prices are following seasonality.