Tuesday, November 26, 2024
This cornfield bordering I-70 at The Ohio State University's Molly Caren Agricultural Center in London, Ohio, was planted with two hybrids of different maturity dates and tassel colors.

Ohio State's College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences designed cornfield’s ‘cool’ Block O to spur conversations on precision ag potential.

The rainy weather that has plagued farmers since the middle of May took a breather the last few days. Three or four days of sunshine and warm — but not hot — weather has perked up some corn and soybean fields.
flooded soybeans/Stan Smith photo

USDA: Planted acreage is same as last year (but a lot has changed since that early June survey).

Pennsylvania hosted the national Brown Swiss sale held at the Washington County fairgrounds June 27. The sale averaged $5,866 on 64 lots.
flag and gavel

Thirteen states filed a lawsuit June 29 against the Environmental Protection Agency and the Army Corps of Engineers over the agencies’ rule defining “waters of the United States.”

An interim standard spells out how gypsum can be incorporated as part of various conservation programs and NRCS financial assistance options for gypsum applications.
Eggs on a conveyor.

New order says poultry moving to live bird markets and eggs destined for a commercial breaking operation from states with infected HPAI flocks must be certified the shipment has tested negative for avian influenza.

Can U.S. farmers take a whopping hit to their bottom line and still be standing five years from now?

Vermont remains the top maple syrup-producing state in the nation, producing 40.7 percent of the United States’ maple syrup.

Michigan confirms first cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza, or bird flu, in free-ranging Canada geese.