Production is on the rise in Pa. this year
HARRISBURG, Pa. -- Based on conditions as of Oct. 1, Pennsylvania's production of soybeans, all other dry hay, Maryland-type tobacco and grapes is expected...
Ohio’s corn yield forecast is down
Ohio's corn grain production is down 14 percent from last year's state production total.
Ohio’s old crop corn stocks are up from last year’s total
REYNOLDSBURG, Ohio -- Ohio's old crop corn stocks in all positions Sept. 1 totaled 75.4 million bushels, 83 percent above the 41.3 million bushels...
China feed demand grows
WASHINGTON -- Higher corn yields are expected in China for 2008 compared to 2007 resulting in 6 billion bushels, said Cary Sifferath, U.S. Grains...
Congress fixes misinterpretation of farm bill base-acre provision
WASHINGTON -- The House of Representatives passed bipartisan legislation to suspend for the 2008 crop year a farm billprovision that required producers to have...
Momentum continues for pork, beef exports
DENVER -- U.S. pork and beef exports continued their strong performance in July, as pork exports remain on an all-time record pace for the...
Frost may nip soybean crop early next week
STATE COLLEGE, Pa. -- The Agricultural Forecast Center reports a scattered frost may nip the soybean crop in the upper Midwest early...
High grain prices are here to stay
CHAMPAIGN, Ill. -- An ethanol-fueled spike in grain prices will likely hold, yielding the first sustained increase for corn, wheat and soybean prices in...
Wind damages crops across the state, but losses hard to predict
COLUMBUS -- After the wind storm from Hurricane Ike, Ohio farmers are finding their corn in one of two states: either standing relatively well...
U.S. ends marketing year with record grain exports
WASHINGTON — U.S. agricultural exports surpassed expectations in 2007, generating a record $82 billion for U.S. farm families and the economy in general. According...