Porch people
Kym Seabolt's porch is the site of some of her most cherished memories and most relaxing summer afternoons. It's a wonderful place to sit.
Coffee talk
Kym Seabolt couldn’t have chosen a better person to be married to — with or without coffee.
Nature gone wild
Kym Seabolt lives by one core mantra, and that is nature is not to be trusted.
Dust bunnies
Kym Seabolt assumed as she entered the “empty nest” phase of life, her home would stay much neater. That turned out to be a bit of a myth.
Empty nest dining style
Kym Seabolt's empty(ish) nest is definitely feathered with takeout boxes and cookie crumbs.
Kymberly Seabolt recalls feeling tough in her younger years, wishing the ability to bounce back applied to the aches and pains of aging.
By George
Kym Seabolt dove into the original social media — old newspapers — and devoured her great grandfather's court-appointed vengeance with glee.
Alligator uprising
Recent headlines have Kym Seabolt convinced alligators are just trying to get in on the same sweet deal that dogs and cats have enjoyed for generations.
Smart tech
Even a momentary power outage causes no end of chaos for Kym Seabolt and her smart light bulbs.
It takes a village to say ‘yes, your child’
Kym Seabolt considers the power of friends, relatives, teachers neighbors and the surrounding community in helping raise children.