Friday, January 10, 2025
Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

Editor:As an individual whose family members include farmers and breeders, it is my firm belief reporter Chris Kick has chosen to ignore the legitimate...

Editor:On May 4, 2010, voters will be asked to approve the 1 percent sales tax for Columbiana County. The outcome of this vote will...

Editor: I send this note to express to you and others my concerns about the loss of funding for our county 4-H program. All four of...

Editor:As April 15 approaches, I, like many of us, am painfully aware of the burden taxes have put on our society. We look at...

Editor:As our vote goes, so goes our country, state and county. If you don’t vote don’t complain. In the organizations that I belong to...

Editor:The same press release was published in my local paper about the Ohio Fresh Eggs fire that you published in your April 1, 2010,...

Editor: According to Maureen Martin, "no" is what every American should say to federal government entitlements. In the March 18 Farm and Dairy, Martin...

Editor: Fellow farmers and future farmers, anyone involved in the agricultural industry and anyone who claims to be an American. I am writing this...

Editor:We would like to thank the generosity of the community for its support of the Jennifer (Miller) Baker Family.The support and kindness of all...

Editor:When it comes to ethanol stories and letters, it seems amazing that we never get to see, read, or hear about the hard problems...