Ethanol: An economic success story doesn’t tell whole story
Editor:The article titled, Ethanol: An economic success story, (April 7, 2011, issue of Farm and Dairy) does not seem to tell the whole story....
Reader: Put an end to nuclear nightmare
Editor: For more than 30 years, I've been warning anyone who would listen about the dangers and potential environmental destruction of nuclear power. Very...
Reader: Does Gov. Kasich get it?
Does Gov. Kasich get it? It's a question many animal owners are asking themselves right now. We're not just talking exotics, we're talking about...
Ohio: the new veganist state
Editor:On January 6, 2011, the last day of Teddy Strickland, he signed the ban on exotic animals in Ohio to fulfill his backroom deal...
Congress serves us best when members are asleep
While Americans still want their government to leave them alone, most seem to want everybody else to be regulated.
Reader: Research drilling before making decisions
I was disappointed by the interview with Tom Murphy on the Marcellus gas drilling (Agriculture changing as Marcellus Shale drilling gains ground). Today with...
Farmers must stand united
Editor:I'd like to address the continued criticism that Farm Bureau has taken over the HSUS compromise, as I see that many people are still...
Speech, it’s not free anymore
A cold day has come now that citizens all over Ohio can no longer express their opinions without fear of retribution from certain animal...
Ohio should ban Rover, too
The ban on exotic animals in Ohio is for public safety. So let's ban dogs. The Ohio Department of Health says there were 15,021...
Humane Society of Columbiana County asks for support
The following information about the Humane Society of Columbiana County (HSCC) was published recently. One fact needs to be made clear. This service is...