LETTER: United Local schools bond issue makes good financial sense
Editor:This November we have an opportunity to make an investment in our community and our future by passing the 3.92 mill bond issue that...
LETTER: To the voters of United School District
Editor:Well, it's almost time to vote on the new school project. We have been given the opportunity to learn the facts on the bond...
LETTER: Celebrating ‘food choice’
We, in the agricultural community, would like to remind you that every day is "food day" and celebrating should be done with each meal, whether the food comes from your garden, farmers market, grocery store or the local food pantry.
Exotic animal escape in Ohio raises some red flags
Editor:Tuesday, Oct. 19. The weather today -- gray, overcast with rain. The headline -- Exotic Animals Roaming Ohio.When I first heard the news late...
LETTER: Take all factors into consideration before voting for levy
Are there more facts we should know (about the United Local Schools levy)? Enrollment is declining, as is tax revenue collected, while schooling expenses are going up. Is this a healthy trend or a formula for disaster? Voters, you decide.
LETTER: Even a fourth-grader can appreciate a good deal
I have served as the United High School band announcer for many years and wish to relate a recent conversation I had.
LETTER: United Local School District levy unnecessary
The United Local School District has received well over $5,004,849 in extra tax dollars in just the past six years. ULSD extra taxes are a one mill levy, a three mill levy, and a 1/2 percent income tax levy. These three “extra taxes” are over and above your regular assessed property taxes.
Horse owners need options for humane disposal of animal
Editor:I would like to know when will people wake up to the problems American horses and their owners are facing. The horse industry is...
Budget cuts at Columbiana Co. dog pound don’t make sense
Editor:As I read of the continuing cuts by Columbiana County Commissioners in order to preserve money, an area that seems to be overlooked is...
9/11 anniversary reminds us of loss of innocent lives
Editor:Who can forget the 3000 who died on that horrific day ten years ago? Our government has been retaliating ever since against those responsible.That...