Tuesday, March 11, 2025
how to extend gardening season

There are several options for extending your gardening season into the fall and winter months.

There are two ways to preserve food: using a boiling water canner or using a pressure canner.
Ice cream

Making homemade ice cream can be as easy as using an old-fashioned hand-crank freezer or using the utensils and tools already found in your kitchen.
family at beach

It’s hot outside, so you should keep a close watch on your health. You can easily become susceptible to hyperthermia, which is when your body temperature is unusually high, according to the National Institutes of Health.

In most of the country, it’s time to pick the tomatoes you’ve been growing in your garden since spring.

Rabbits, groundhogs and insects can relentlessly nibble at fresh leaves off of tomato plants and sunflower sprouts. Here are some tactics to keep your garden pest-free.
Poison sumac leaves

You know the old adage “Leaves of three, let it be.” It’s referring to poison ivy and oak, and it’s true. With summer comes...

A patch of dead grass on an otherwise lush lawn can be a frustrating eyesore for homeowners. Whether lawn care is your passion or just something you do to maintain the value of your home, dead grass can be exasperating.

As winter slowly winds down, many gardeners cannot wait to soak up the springtime sun and get their hands dirty in the garden. Such excitement is not just good for gardeners, but can benefit the garden in the months to come as well.

Upon first glance, a garden may appear to be the picture of health. However, further examination may reveal that the garden isn't all that it seems, and perhaps that healthy facade is artificially manufactured.