Saturday, November 16, 2024
The Dirt on Conservation

The Dirt on Conservation

How a rain garden works

There are steps you can take on your own property to reduce the amount of pollution entering your local stream.
fence and wildflowers

Old fields can provide high-quality habitats for many insects, birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians when they are managed well.
Beaver hunting

Learn more about the types of traps used for beaver hunting and how to set them up for success.

What actions will you take to conserve our precious natural resources for future generations?
A mature redbud tree in the spring

Trees have so many benefits when it comes to conservation. Trees prevent and reduce erosion, can improve biodiversity, help pollinators and produce timber.

With much of our natural habitat in the state altered in one way or another, the ecosystem could use a helping hand, even in your backyard. 
reusable sandwich bags

Maybe a little forethought and self-reflection can improve our habits and help conserve the natural resources that future generations rely on to survive.
Katahdin sheep in a pasture

Giving livestock access to the entire pasture may temporarily provide enough forage, but it could reduce the amount of available forage for years to come.
Riparian zone near a stream

If you are planning to develop land, make sure you do your due diligence in obtaining all proper permits before breaking any ground. 
Manure field 2

Proper manure application makes good sense for the environment and for your bottom line. But the key is that manure application has to be done correctly.