Redoximorphic what?? Soil judging is more than collection
Do you all know what type of soil is beneath your feet? Do you know if it’s well drained, primarily silt loam, depth to...
A pond is not always just a pond
Since the earliest civilizations, societies have wrestled with a love/hate relationship with the "almighty agua." We are no exception. In countless ways, we are...
Soil and water supervisors needed
As fall is fast approaching many soil and water districts are planning their annual meetings. This means they are looking for qualified candidates to...
Why would you want to kill a tree?
What is girdling? When I first heard the term a long time ago, I thought it had to do with woman's clothing apparel. Of...
Soil and dirt are different things
I did not come up with the name for this column; The Dirt on Conservation. I don't know about you but I do NOT...
Do you have rare plants on your property?
Do you have rare plants? And what do you do if you have them? These questions will be answered Sept. 18 at the Medina...
Local food initiatives can help to reconnect consumers to the land
Recently, at the farmers market, a woman rushed over to me excitedly, seeking out the vendor with the fresh eggs that her friend had...
Program helps plant cover crops
Locally led conservation programs -- they're what Soil and Water Conservation District supervisors dedicate their time and talents to. SWCDs are governed by five...
Talking worm is newest learning tool
As I tried to put together this article it became clear to me that your local Soil and Water Conservation District is definitely "one...
It’s time to roll out the rain barrel and conserve water
Rain barrels make every drop count. That's the slogan that begins every one of my rain barrel presentations. Well, OK, I have to confess...