Sunday, March 23, 2025
The Dirt on Conservation

The Dirt on Conservation

If you sold timber and the company’s poor management practices led to soil erosion and stream sedimentation, you’d probably have some choice words for...

When drilling a water well, no one can guarantee you that you will have water or how much water you will have. When you hire a well driller to drill you a well, you are paying for a developed hole in the ground -- nothing more.

Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCD) can offer more than just technical assistance to the public. Many of Ohio's Soil and Water Conservation Districts...

Hooray for tile!Now that's something you don't hear too often from people these days. Seems over the last decade or so in certain quarters...

They are out there. Inconspicuous and undetected, many buried underneath a hardened blanket of snow and ice, they are scattered throughout our Ohio woodlands....

The Stark Soil and Water Conservation District was recently asked to help the ODNR Division of Soil and Water Resources host several dam safety...

In my last article -- Kids Caring about Conservation -- I eluded to the fact that a large percentage of today's youth do not...

Soil tests can help landowners with property planning. They are particularly beneficial when someone purchasing new property is unfamiliar with the soil types in the area.

With the threat of flurries and the temperature threatening to drop below freezing, you're probably not thinking about bees. Most of us won't waste...

Holmes Co., Alpine Cheese water quality trading project is successfulThe idea set forth to Holmes SWCD and others was relatively straightforward, yet innovative. The...