Wednesday, March 26, 2025
The Dirt on Conservation

The Dirt on Conservation

Most aquatic insects live in the bottom of our streams, rivers, lakes, and wetlands. They are good indicators of a water's health because they live in the water for all or most of their lives, differ in their tolerance to amount and types of pollution and stay in areas suitable for their survival.

Like most people, radio stations, diner conversations and forecasters, the talk of late has been about the dreaded wet weather we have been experiencing....

Many soil and water conservation offices have been busy working with high school students who compete in the area Envirothons. For those unfamiliar with...

I love those moments when I am talking with someone about a natural resources issue and I actually see the light bulb turn on....

This year, we have seen a tremendous amount of water due to snow melt and several 2- to 4-inch rainfall events.

As I write this, it’s raining. Again. And the weather forecast shows little clouds with raindrops and lightning bolts almost every day this...

If you have a serious case of cabin fever, like I do, you will be glad to read that the Eastern Ohio Grazing Council...

Conservation is everyone's responsibility. All land has resources of soil, water, air, plants and wildlife. Conservation means using these resources wisely, while protecting or...

We are a rural area, but by now many of these students are at least two generations removed from any family member involved in agriculture. They may live near a farm, or pass farms on the way to school every day, but what they know about farming or the environment is very limited.

Oh the joys of spring, birds migrating back, grasses starting to green up, blowing winds, extreme weather changes, and yes, mud! Very few of...