Monday, March 17, 2025
The Dirt on Conservation

The Dirt on Conservation

chili pepper seedling

Master gardener Madyson Black offers tips to prepare to care for seedlings and maintain them until it is time to transfer them to the soil.
bale grazing

Columbiana Soil and Water Conservation District program administrator Pete Conkle considers the various options for feeding cows during the winter.
2015 Algal Bloom

Fulton County Soil and Water Conservation District intern Cole Plassman provides insight into the issue of harmful algal blooms in Lake Erie.
snow road

Summit SWCD outreach coordinator Sandy Barbic offers tips to solve the over-salting problem problem on our sidewalks and driveways during winter.
christmas tree

Killbuck Creek Watershed Coordinator Karen Gotter offers insight into recycling a cut Christmas tree after Christmas.
Salt Mug

While road salt is an important tool, it can become an issue for our waterways, wildlife and infrastructure when used irresponsibly.
aerial farmland

Kirsten Zwick, a technician at the Harrison Soil and Water Conservation District, explains the Local Agricultural Easement Purchase Program.
spring water

Kirstin Roman, ag and natural resource technician at Noble SWCD, explains how to use natural springs to provide water for livestock.

Portage Soil and Water Conservation District educator Lynn Vogel explains how trees contribute to agriculture in Ohio in multiple ways.
underwater photography of water bubbles

why should we care so much about clean water, sanitation and hygiene? And what can we do to help?