Rock pigeons: A bane for farmers
Tami Gingrich details the characteristics and habits of rock pigeons that allow them to survive and thrive among humans.
Mother Nature’s cast-offs
Tami Gingrich details some all-natural items — pine cones, nuts, cocoons and more — that can be collected to create beautiful handmade wreaths.
Horned larks: They’re full of manure
Tami Gingrich offers insight into a unique winter birding opportunity in Geauga County where horned larks flock to manure spreads.
Hawks and owls: Special visitors from the north
Tami Gingrich details species of hawks and owls that migrate south in the winter and can potentially be spotted in Ohio.
The annual Christmas Bird Count is at hand
Tami Gingrich explains the impact and importance of the annual Christmas Bird Count.
Woodpeckers: Amazingly adapted to ‘WOOD’land life
Tami Gingrich explains the characteristics that make woodpeckers perfectly suited to their lifestyle and the benfits of having them around.
Clubmosses brighten the winter woods
Tami Gingrich explores the unique features of an ancient group of vascular plants known as the clubmosses that evolved over 400 million years ago.
A lifetime of fishing
Tami Gingrich recaps the many autumns she's spent traversing local steams with a rod in hand.
A smorgasbord for the birds
Tami Gingrich offers insights to feeding birds in the winter and choosing cost-efficient suet and seed varieties preferred by birds.
Mother Nature’s secrets are revealed in late autumn
Tami Gingrich reveals the secrets that become apparent in Ohio in late autumn after the trees drop their leaves.