Sunday, January 5, 2025
Protestors holding climate change banners at a protest

In his column this week, Scott Shalaway addresses climate change as the greatest existential threat to the planet and civilization today.
Anna's hummingbird

Hummingbirds' tiny size, iridescent colors, acrobatic flying and eagerness to use nectar feeders make them one of America's favorite backyard birds.
sunset with ducks

Bill Thompson III, editor and co-publisher of Bird Watcher’s Digest, passed away March 25 as a result of stage 4 pancreatic cancer.

A small adult bird feeding a considerably larger chick is usually a sign of cowbird parasitism. Learn more about the cowbird's reproductive habits.

The vernal equinox arrived last week; however, biological spring is still several weeks away. Learn what signs truly signal its arrival.
ring-necked duck

Learn how to find and identify common waterfowl you can expect to find on local waterways.
vernal pool

Vernal pools provide the perfect conditions for amphibian reproduction and they are about to explode with life. Learn what to look for during late winter.
American Woodcock

One of nature’s best shows begins in March — the dance of the woodcock. It is a rite of spring that every birder should experience at least once.

Find out where all new plant biomass — the leaves, stems and blossoms — originates during springtime.

Juncos, or snowbirds as they're often called, define the end of winter and the onset of spring for observant nature watchers.