Thursday, January 9, 2025
Let's Talk Rusty Iron

Let's Talk Rusty Iron

The history of hay baling is long and varied, but manufacturers have made countless improvements to the technology over the years.

Spring planting had to be completed quickly to take advantage of the best seeding time and to avoid a big variation in the time the crop was ready to cut.

We owe a lot to these rugged and adventuresome men and women, who through their sacrifices and hard work built this country and made life better for us.

Over the years, spring cleaning has evolved and become much simpler.

To commemorate the 25th Anniversary of the Let's Talk Rusty Iron column being in the Farm and Dairy, Sam Moore duplicated his first effort.
sewing machines

During the second half of the nineteenth century, there were scam artists and swindlers active in most every part of the American farming community.

A brief look at the contribution made by Caterpillar tractors to the war efforts, and the development of the military tank.

Harry McGee raced the St. Louisan from Indianapolis to Terre Haute in 1915, proving an automobile could provide faster transportation than a train.

Insect control is safer and more sophisticated than ever before, but demand for organically-grown food has revived interest an ancient Persian pesticide.

Until the 19th century all clothes, hats, shoes, harness and ships sails were sewed by hand.