Monday, September 23, 2024

In the big, slow move this past summer from the big, painted house in town, my worn copy of Aldo Leopold's A Sand County Almanac went missing.

Hasn't autumn been extraordinary this year? November blew in, and each day so far has been as mild as a day in May.

Feeling the chill of dreary fall mornings makes it hard to come out from under bedcovers and get a move on.

Maybe you consider yourself a good employer. Maybe your employees believe so. Or, maybe not. If you have had difficulty managing employees, it may be useful to learn some things you can do to become a better employer.

If you're a conventional farm policy person - as most farm leaders and members of Congress are - Daryll Ray is becoming your biggest pain in the neck.

So many things in this world keep right on changing, but one thing remains constant. We will age, some gracefully, some fighting the inevitable every step of the way.

As if we needed further proof that celebrities are, in fact, pure evil, we have Gwyneth Paltrow nattering on in a recent issue of The British Mirror: "(Having a baby) changed the way I see the world,'' she told a reporter.

How does that old song go? Send in the clowns

Watching the TV commercial where the Cottonelle puppy chases an unfurling roll of toilet paper across the house left me wondering again where our toilet paper is disappearing.

The new CAT in the barn is one that can turn around and bite you, if it doesn't get your attention soon.