Sunday, September 22, 2024

If the dullest knife causes the deepest wounds, the Bush administration should stock up on gauze and duct tape as it takes its traveling trade show to Hong Kong's World Trade Organization Ministerial Dec.

Time flies, as we know all too well. What I am realizing more and more is that there are interesting ways in which the passing of time is noticed and measured.

Few things strike greater fear in the parental heart than these: parent-teacher conferences. Highly educated adults, captains of industry, even veterans of foreign wars can be reduced to puddles of insecurity at the very prospect of conferring with their child's teacher.

Winter fast approaches and so does the Christmas holiday. I see large snowflakes blending with spattering rain as I wait to taxi my daughter Kathie and our neighbor Michael to school.

A wonderful little boy told me the other day, "It doesn't have to be Thanksgiving Day to say what you are thankful for.

The calendar officially says December. The holidays. The pace. The weather. The end of the year. The year's 12th month is either welcome or despised: a reminder of tasks undone or accomplished, of goals unmet or fulfilled, and of plans waylaid or on track.

For years, the great philosophers of the world have told us people can be divided into two basic groups: the Day After Thanksgiving Shoppers and rational human beings.

Our menu is planned and the table is partially set in my mind until it's time for us to really put everything in place.

Rare is the day when either an editor or several readers do not call or e-mail to note the heavy population of facts residing in this space.

Sometimes, in the midst of living life, we forget the importance of fun and games in the big scheme of things.