Monday, September 23, 2024

'Twas the week before Christmas and all through the House nothing was stirring but Rep. Tom "T-Bone" Maxilla.

As Christmas nears, I have had the great joy of looking at this season through the eyes of a Southern friend.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be famous? Just the other day, I was working at my coffee house job.

It has come to my attention that parents, particularly at this time of year, spend a lot of time worrying themselves silly over one thing and one thing only, a concern so deep it literally wakes them from a sound sleep, apoplectic over some concern relating to: Santa.

"What did the volcano say to the earthquake?" My dad's joke hung over the table as we stopped cutting candy and readied ourselves for his punch line.

Undoubtedly, winter feeding practices of livestock varies from farm to farm as much or more than any other feeding period the entire year.

Despite overt hints to Santa's elves that I own enough dress shirts and too many ties for someone who works at home, chances are nearly 100 percent that a swell new shirt and a very understated tie are in my immediate future.

A Romanian tried to lodge a complaint with consumer protection officials after his girlfriend refused to marry him.

It's hard for me to accept something that was new in my lifetime becoming a classic. From my tail-end-of-the-baby-boomers perspective, compared to the antics of Crosby, Kaye, and Clooney in White Christmas, the animated escapades in A Charlie Brown Christmas are new.

What is your responsibility as a property owner when someone is injured on your property? This question was discussed at length at our Extension Agricultural Law Conference on Nov.