Sunday, September 22, 2024

Look, I just don't know if I can stomach the path this nation is taking one more day. What kind of world do we live in when a down-on-his-luck panhandler has to say, "Pardon me, brother.

Nothing's wrong just as long as You know that someday I will. Someday, somehow I'm gonna make it all right But not right now.

It's one vicious circle. Magazines pile up under my furniture and I chide myself for subscribing to them.

On any other day, the Jan. 23 confirmation that another BSE-carrying cow had been discovered in Canada would have rocked that nation and its Canadian beef-importing neighbor to the south.

While some kids played house, I remember playing railroad hobo with my sisters and our cousins. Our maternal grandparents, Henry and Mabel Tucker, lived on a nice, small horse farm on the outskirts of Ashland.

Do you want the good news or the bad news? Thing is, you can't separate the two, when you talk about farm economics.

You really need to be in tip-top shape to come down with anything nowadays. The down-and-out workout.

Be My Guest (Columnist) I offer this pointed article by Kia Harries in place of my own column with appreciation to her.

An interesting question came in the other day. "What does Extension think about sand-based freestalls versus waterbeds?" It is fair to say that Extension fully supports sand as the platinum freestall base for a couple of reasons.

The federal government's annual game of fact or fiction - once known as the budget process - kicked off its nine-month season Feb.