Sunday, September 22, 2024

There is nothing quite like a city kid coming to the country. The lessons learned, on both sides of this fence, may be humorous and luminous, shining a light on two very different ways of looking at the very same thing.

Lawyers are fond of noting there are only three courtroom strategies to pursue in any legal case. First, if the facts favor your client, argue the facts.

The joy and wonderment of youth is a gift like no other. Just when the burdens of the world begin to feel unbearably heavy, I am blessed by the children's' voices that help light up my life, as well as the lives of those around me.

I watched the huge muskrat swim toward the bank of the Jordan River below me. Zooming in with my long camera lens, I snapped a shot to give to Mahoning County native Karl Gebhardt who was about to be baptized (we're talking "dunking" here) in the shallow river.

I understand now, with perfect clarity, why some 30-something women persist in sporting mini-skirts that are far too young for them (or their thighs) and men of the same age endlessly relive their teenage athletic exploits.

When I take a good look at all the stuff I've accumulated at my house that I don't really have room for - things I juggle around, work around, should clean around - I always think, "what could make me believe I needed these things?" Instead of examining my own weaknesses, I'm going to blame our media.

We hear and see many reasons for improving our grazing practices. Reasons. Over the last several years, the federal government has also chosen to support and encourage grazing through the use of government programs.

On this, the occasion of my 10,000th birthday, I would like to say ... oh, OK, I'm not really 10,000 years old.

I'm too busy. We'll start after the corn is planted and the hay is made. We tried them before and they didn't work.

Given the sad state of affairs in today's affairs of state - record federal budget deficits, record trade deficits, illegal domestic eavesdropping, the sale of key U.