Sunday, September 22, 2024

After years of toil, struggle, and inner turmoil wondering what, if anything, I want to be when I grow up, I have discovered my one true calling: I am the Meanest Mom Ever! Crowned.

I stopped in my local Tractor Supply Co. store to return a plastic flooring insert that did not fit our small rabbit cage.

You would think that a person who has managed, however inexplicably, to choose a mate, choose to parent two lovely albeit argumentative small humans, and choose to share with the world at large the most intimate details of her life (and those of numerous innocent bystanders), would have little trouble making a commitment to the little things in life.

I've had a box of tofu on the shelf for several weeks. I put off using it because Mark still remembers the time he tried it in a Japanese restaurant and thought it was weird - big on texture but small on flavor.

As farmers look to become more efficient in all aspects of business, financial record keeping is an area that can be made more efficient with computer record-keeping software.

There are special people who walk this earth with such grace and presence, joy and laughter, it is very hard to imagine how the world will keep on spinning without them.

You always wonder, on the first day of daylight-saving time, whether anyone will sheepishly arrive at church just as the service is ending.

Score! I just crossed something off my to-do list. I can put a black line straight through "consume entire package of M&M's before breakfast.

No, this isn't about a pregnancy test (that old expression is obsolete, anyway). We gathered on the other side of our creek-that's-only-a-creek-when-it's-good-and-rainy.

When the USDA announced the discovery of the nation's first mad cow in late December 2003, consumers and ranchers were met by a government search-and-destroy blitz worthy of war.