Sunday, September 22, 2024

Crop input prices increased dramatically during the past year. Fuel and fertilizer are the main culprits and these price increases promise to shrink profits severely in 2006.

The news of John Kenneth Galbraith's April 29 passing brought but a moment's sadness before it swept me back to the book-lined study of his home where, in mid-June 1986, he availed himself to a lengthy interview so I could prepare a profile of him for Farm Journal's Top Producer magazine.

I grew up among big sisters. I relied heavily on those three older sisters to steer me in the right direction, provide me with entertainment, clue me in on the latest cool things to say and keep me informed on what not to wear.

It should be noted that what I lack in mechanical ability, I make up for with a complete lack of common sense.

Soothing is the contented purring of a friendly cat - its companionship helping me forget my problems and warming me by its cozy comfort.

The e-mailer was hotter than a $3 pistol. "What part of illegal don't you understand?" the opening salvo of the angry note asked after a column on immigration reform - and the lack thereof - a month ago.

I have been thoroughly enjoying the writings of Heather Lende, a newspaper reporter in small-town Haines, Alaska.

I'm intrigued by the growing "local foods" movement and direct marketing of just about anything farm-fledged.

I have spent nearly nine years teaching my children that patience is a virtue (although sadly, not one of mine) and that there are no stupid questions.

Warmed by the sun, my bare arms feel free in the fresh spring air, and the heat that builds in my van reminds me of warmer days ahead.