Saturday, September 21, 2024

Lately, I have found myself wondering what ever became of baseball great Gaylord Perry. The impressive major league baseball pitcher, who boasts a Cy Young award in both the American and National leagues, became famous years ago for quitting baseball to go into farming.

When I opened the package, I had no idea what the big, hardcover book was or who it came from. Bobo's Flying Circus? And then I looked below the title and saw the subtitle: "Autobiography of Gilbert Russell Evans.

Last week I suffered a grievous personal loss of a very dear friend. It was sudden and unexpected and although valiant lifesaving efforts were undertaken, all attempts to revive were ultimately unsuccessful.

The doctor took one look at Dad's leg and said we should get to the hospital. The angriest looking leg I've seen, his right calf was swollen twice its normal size, feverish, bright red like a bad burn from foot to knee.

Planning is one of the most critical functions of management. Planning decisions can range from the short term of addressing the everyday "fires" of the farm business to long-range planning for retirement, transition and estate planning.

Where are your livestock now? You are probably wondering what kind of question is that. Of course, we hope they're still in the field we put them into last.

As a mom, there is life B.S. (before sports) and then there is life A.S. (after sports). "Before sports" encompasses that rare span of time that occurs in those blissful seasons before you teach your child to walk and, say, chew gum at the same time.

It's here! Farm and Dairy's latest cookbook is ready to ship. After some procrastination on my part and with lots of assistance from our staff - the new book - Made from Back O' the Box - is the 11th edition in our cookbook series.

Manure management is one of the biggest challenges facing livestock producers today. Manure management issues are complex, involve interactions between animals, soils, plants and humans, and can be highly emotional.

A month ago, Fred Kirschenmann, distinguished fellow for the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture at Iowa State University, preached to the preachers of the Northern Plains Conference of the United Church of Christ in Bismarck.