Saturday, September 21, 2024

Where's Internet privacy when you need it? Forget about snoops grabbing my credit card numbers or reading my e-mails.

It seems it's always August before my brother Tom and I make our almost-annual visit to Mill Creek Park.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has announced plans to begin a nationwide study to monitor air emissions from selected farms starting this winter.

Summer is nodding, on its way out. Last week, there were mornings that carried the chill of an early fall.

(Editor's note: I wrote this column in July 2003. Re-reading it this week, it seemed like an appropriate piece to reprint.

I think we all know by now my opinion on back-to-school clothing. Namely, that the only thing missing from most back-to-school fashion collections for even the youngest children is a dimly lit stage and a pole.

"One thing for sure," I declared, "I'm not renting one of these again." "Well, unless we can find one that's adjustable.

Human resource management is becoming a bigger issue as we see farms grow from single family units to multiple family and employee dependent operations.

With many harvested small grain fields that weren't double cropped to soybeans now sitting idle, cattlemen still have an excellent opportunity to create high quality forages that may be grazed well into winter, and even next spring.

August is the month public officials traditionally use your tax dollars to travel to gather information, ideas and frequent flier miles they claim will help them serve you better.