Saturday, September 21, 2024

Nothing makes you feel as inadequate as not being there for your kids when they call you and they're in trouble.

A quick-fix, cost-cutting increase in income. Have your attention? Well, it is not a single quick fix, but a more sustainable, long-term decrease in expenses and increase in income can be yours if your heifers do not currently freshen at 24 months or less, ready to walk into the barn, grow and compete.

Leaving a backlog of work it clearly had no appetite for, a deeply divided, very worried Congress skedaddled out of Washington at the end of September to make its re-election case to an equally divided, equally worried electorate.

The lyrics of the old song made popular by the soothing voice of Eddy Arnold have spun through my head numerous times during this past week as news reports brought the horrific news of yet another school shooting in our homes.

Forget hunting versus gathering, beauty versus brawn, and he Tarzan, she Jane. No, the real difference between men and women is as plain as black and white.

For those of us who don't daily spend time in the fields or trekking between the outbuildings around the farm, fall paints a beautiful excuse to get out and appreciate nature's beauty when the sun warms the afternoons without the intensity of summer's temperatures.

Many Ohio farmers hire custom farm work in their farm business or perform custom farm work for others.

On September's two middle Wednesdays, American agriculture's soft hands and hard hands - its lobbyists and farmers - brought their 2007 farm bill shopping lists to the House Agriculture Committee.

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Since our move this past summer, I now live much closer to my sister Debi.

The upcoming debate over the next U.S. farm bill has a lot of people trying to figure out what has worked in present and previous farm bills and what changes should be made for the future.