Saturday, September 21, 2024

Teary eyes glistened from the theater stage as the last performance ended. The cast, more than 50 teens from at least 19 schools, spent hours learning the book-thick music and lyrics of the school version of Les Miserables.

Ideal answer: Springing heifers ready to calve, walk into the milking herd and work. Sounds simple, but what does that really mean? Looking at a couple factors, we can start putting some numbers to "springing heifers ready to walk into the milking herd.

In a move somewhere between brilliantly audacious and unbelievably outrageous, Monsanto's Aug. 15 offer to buy Delta & Pine Land Co.

The final round of hay has been put up, and the colorful leaves have blown free from our majestic old trees.

The weakly regulated, wild west show that has been the Chicago futures markets is poised to become a wilder, more global show now that the Chicago Mercantile Exchange announced it was purchasing archrival Chicago Board of Trade for $8 billion.

Baseball, to me, is still the great American pastime. So many of my memories from childhood revolve around playing baseball in the side yard with my sisters and brother or fielding a team with lots of cousins in the wide open grassy area near my Aunt Dee's pond.

There is a sense of complacency about food safety: Our food supply is safe; I've never gotten sick. But the recent spinach/E.

I was at the checkout magazine rack, too cheap to buy, yet eager to learn how Angelina Jolie is going to balance celebrity, saving the world, motherhood and photo ops.

Does the pre-election mud hit you like it hits me? Not a soft, warm variety that makes me ready for the spa, this mud is cold and slimy, and I have some homework to do to get polished up in time to vote.

We are (too) fast approaching yet another 30-something birthday and let me assure you the new has worn off.