Grazing corn stover in the fall provides many opportunities
Clifton Martin discusses ways to take advantage of grazing opportunities in October like grazing cornstalk residue or fodder.
Teamwork, sportsmanship a winning combination
Judith Sutherland enjoys a championship finish to her grandson's flag football season.
We’re all in this coop together
There are always power struggles in the coop but Eliza Blue reminds her flock, they're all in it together.
World Dairy Expo offers all the thrills
Bonnie Ayars attends the World Dairy Expo, enjoying all it has to offer.
Why did the woolly bear cross the road?
Woolly bears emerge in large numbers during the fall. Tami Gingrich offers insight into their behavior and lifecycle.
Can you help us identify Item No. 1258?
Item No. 1258 was submitted by Keith, of England, United Kingdom. He came crossed it in a museum.
The barnyard parade
Eliza Blue's outdoor pets love to wait at the back patio for their morning breakfast. She finds it endearing. The man of the ranch is not as amused.
Pound cake predator
Eric Keller gets to the bottom of the mystery behind the pound cake predator in his household.
Selling my saddle
Bryce Angell writes a poem about selling his old saddle.
Could bale grazing work for you?
OSU Extension educator, Christine Gelley, discusses the considerations for implementing bale grazing.