Thursday, November 28, 2024
grazing cattle

Ohio State Extension educator Chris Penrose looks back over his career, noting the improvements in the forage industry over the past 35 years, in his last All About Grazing column.
wheat field

Marlin Clark details how the grain markets have been impacted by recent weather in the Great Plains and South America.
Winter solstice diagram

The longest night of the year. The shortest day of the year. The first day of winter. Any way you want to look at it, the winter solstice is here.
Holstein dairy cows grazing

OSU Extension educator Dirk Dempsey shares his grazing wish list and details strategies farmers can use for management-intensive grazing.

It's been a rough year for Eliza Blue with continued health problems. However, in her darkest days, she's realized she is her own light.
massive oaks

Eric Keller discusses science and how, though complex, it can be used to understand God's creations.
snowy road

Saying goodbye in the Midwest is a process that must follow very specific guidelines.
corn soybeans waterway conservation

To achieve conservation goals on your farm, make a plan and start small. Ask your local soil and water conservation office for help.
nativity scene

Bryce Angell crafts a poem about spending Christmas Eve with his grandma, and learning the true meaning of the holiday.
Christmas Cut-Out Sugar Cookies

Judith Sutherland recalls holiday memories of baking cookies with her late Aunt Marilyn and sisters.