Monday, November 25, 2024

Farm equipment will be a frequent sight on our roads in the coming weeks, and taking a few minutes for safety could prevent an accident.
Hemlock trees at Beaver Creek

Forest products provide a $30 billion annual economic impact in Ohio, as well as providing wildlife habitat and hunting. But Ohio's forests are under threat, writes Lynn Vogel.
more cows

Finding ways to meet the needed water demands can improve the efficiency of pasture use, writes OSU Extension Educator Dean Kreager.
white airplane on mid air

Alan Guebert continues to write about how the USDA is applying its ethanol game plan to the budding sustainable aviation fuels market.
mother horse and young horse together on grass during daytime

New life, including new baby horses, are keeping Judith Sutherland and her husband busy on the farm.
Corn planting

Marlin Clark weighs in on the grain markets as planting progresses in the Eastern Corn Belt and harvest continues in South America.
plow horses

Tami Gingirch shares the history and environmental impact of the serviceberry tree — one of our earliest blooming native tree species in Ohio.
Item No. 1269

Item No. 1269 is 18 inches long and wooden with a metal strap on the left end and a center piece on the bottom that hinges out a little.
log tongs

In his latest installment of "An American Tale," Paul Locher explains how early settlers managed to fell trees to build shelters in Ohio and Pennsylvania.

Jim Abrams shares some of the secrets and intricacies of hunting for morel mushrooms in Ohio.