Friday, November 15, 2024
Brazil soybean plantation

Marlin Clark speculates on the recent changes in grain prices, estimated yields for South American crops and the continued market volatility.
alfalfa field

Planting cover crops improves soil quality, decreases soil erosion and runoff, increases pollination, reduces soil compaction and more. 
Nigerian dwarf goat

Instead of spending February making bottles and washing the diapers of two cute baby goats, Eliza Blue will be chasing a super stinky baby daddy around. 
ohio dairy farm

2021 provided an example of the impact rising and falling cow numbers can have on milk prices, especially when accompanied by less milk produced per cow.

It wasn't until Judith Sutherland's freshman year of high school that the school board changed the dress code to allow girls to wear pants to school.
hay bales

It's time to take inventory of remaining hay supplies to make sure there is enough until pastures green up regardless of what weather conditions occur.
pork chops stacked up

Alan Guebert digs into two recent reports that defend the market power gained by U.S. meatpackers in the last 30 years.

Lake Erie is the shallowest of the Great Lakes and has the smallest volume of water, so it is the first to freeze in the winter. 

Kym Seabolt shares her thoughts about Valentine’s Day and romance in general.

Soybeans have led commodity markets higher in recent days. The weather chickens are coming home to roost, as speculation about problems in South America are being realized in early harvest results.