Friday, November 15, 2024

Everything from barn ball to pasture puck hockey served as a great foundation toward building a whole lot of strong kids.
Ag trade photo

For the second time in two years, a history-making calamity has shown just how fragile the world’s efficiency-driven, deeply interdependent food system is. 
Hands type on a laptop.

Kym Seabolt ponders, "Is it too much to ask that my MOB dress be simple, easy to wear and dressy without my appearing to be an aging pageant contestant?"

A poem about rural living and country folk by Bryce Angell.
Walnut Grove

There’s a very special place along the MetroParks bikeway in Canfield, Ohio — The Walnut Grove — Field of Opportunity.
hay bale in snow

Eliza Blue asks, "So, what do we hope for when our choices are between bad or worse? What do we hope for when we aren't even sure which is which?"

Pruning your fruit trees is important when it comes to having optimal fruit production and preventing disease. Learn how to properly prune your fruit trees.

Can you identify this wooden antique tool? Take a chance and hazard a guess today.

The difference between producers that have had continued success and the ones who have struggled, will come down to feed and nutrition management.
wheat field

When uncertainty hits markets that trade on knowledge lack of knowledge is scary, and high prices and volatility result.