Saturday, November 16, 2024
cowboy boots

Have you ever been judged solely on your appearance after a hard day's work? Bryce Angell understands how you feel and he wrote a poem about it.
cherry trees

Julie Geiss and her daughter explore parts of Athens County and check out the first spring blossoms in their latest day trip.

Two items were identified this week, and a new mystery to solve. Can you hazard a guess on what it is?
social media

Social media can provide endless support for advertising, but they have zero support for glitches like the password issue.

Marlin Clark explains the unexpected results of the March 31 prospective plantings report and the March 1 grain stocks report.
Beekeeper Dave Noble

Red Beard Bees includes 65 colonies, or hives, in the Whitehall suburb of Columbus where owner Dave Noble lives.

Great job identifying last week's mystery tool! Can you identify this week's antique tool as quickly?
Dairy calf

Implementing a meaningful transition cow management program is critical for the survival and performance of both newborn calves and lactating dairy cows.
horse fly

As farm managers think about options for fly control on pasture during the summer months, consider several options and combinations.
sunset on a farm

A poem about what it means to be "just a farmer" by Bryce Angell.