Set your 2022 grazing goals
What are your grazing goals for this year? One obtainable goal to keep in mind is proper management of your pastures.
Rotational grazing, stockpiling can cut down on fertilizer needs
It is time to look at your pastures and figure out how to get more production out of them so you do not have to make as much hay.
Trout season in Pennsylvania has officially begun
Pennsylvania has an extensive trout stocking program — about 3.2 million adult trout are added to 128 lakes and 696 streams across the state.
Corn, soybean, wheat prices all climb
Corn, wheat and soybean prices were all higher on the Chicago Board of Trade this week. Marlin Clark explains the recent changes in the grain markets.
The keys to making a voluntary nutrient management plan
Since nutrients are one of the largest input costs on the farm, we want to make sure we are only purchasing and applying what we need.
How much will reduced Russian wheat exports impact the market?
There will be a shortfall in Russian wheat export sales due to the war in Ukraine. Alan Guebert explains how much this will impact global supply.
Mixing it up in the pasture
Having a mixed stand, whether for hay or pasture, has several benefits. Including legumes can reduce nitrogen needs for the field.
Follow love’s lead and you won’t be led astray
Having two puppies at the same time is the kind of treachery reserved for the truly brave or the slightly unhinged, Eliza Blue is doing it nonetheless.
Find a way to make each year count
Judith Sutherland reminds readers there is no guarantee on the number of birthdays in a lifetime and encourages everyone to make each one count.
Figuring out what normal means now
Covid, worldly news, the cost of inflation and weather have us all questioning the normalcy of life. Bonnie Ayars weighs in on the meaning of normal now.