Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Although we never stop missing lost loved ones, we carry with us all the memories, lessons and values they instilled in us.

Eliza Blue talks about the real amount of control any of us has over our lives.

A few weeks ago I wrote about snakes and why they’re good to have around. I urged readers to protect them rather than kill...
corn kernels and dollar bills

A variety of factors are forcing lenders to be more critical of loan applications. Use these tips to help your lender as they review your loan application.

Despite my repeated attempts to make them listen to reason, our otherwise excellent school district suffers one fatal flaw: They think that 10-year-olds belong in middle school.

The accident happened, as these things always do, simultaneously fast and oh-so-slow.

It’s tough being a genetically modified organism in election season because no election passes without someone or some state slamming you for being, well, you.

Hello Again!The recently approved American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) authorized an additional waiver which allows producers another opportunity to pay a...

Columnist Judy Sutherland allowed Miss Murphy, the family dog, to offer a guest commentary this week.
livestock guardian dogs

What we owe the animals in our care is the ability to succeed, should they ever need to do it without us.