Thursday, September 19, 2024
World War II comic

At the end of October 70 years ago, farmers and farmers' wives were reading the Farm Journal. It was a dark period in the...
Capitol dome, Washington D.C., Farm and Dairy file photo

After last week’s farm bill belly flop in the House of Representatives, how do you think its members will be remembered by farmers, ranchers and historians?

Last week, a day after the morning low temperature plunged to nine degrees, the sky cleared and the thermometer rebounded to 45 degrees. That balmy...

I presided for the first time at a Women's Club meeting and a few of the girls (I'll call us girls even though we're all over 50) had to leave early.
snowy road in woods

Learn how to help promote ways to reduce the amount of pollution from vehicles and road maintenance activities during the winter months.
corn field partially harvested

Farmers are being challenged by climate change, retreating stock prices, large crop yields, an overdue farm bill, ongoing trade wars and more.

This past weekend was a very special one for our family. As New London, Ohio, celebrated its 100th Labor Day Festival anniversary, we wouldn't...

Learn how to better manage your land to get the most out of fertilizer applications and reduce runoff.

It is well past time to put away the simple clothing of summer and early fall and reach for the gloves and hats and down-filled coats.

The market was closed Jan. 19 for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, so now we have to work through the confusion of having no trading for three days.