Running of the does is a sight for hunters to see
The running of the bulls is an international spectacle but no more popular to deer hunters than this week's running of the does, an...
On the Outdoors: Finding out the hard way the truth about ducks
No harvested grain fields, no crummy weather, and even worse, no ducks. Yeh, I know, we should have called first.
On the Outdoors: Hunting plans go awry with unexpected obstacles
Every road trip begins with enthusiasm and promise. A good friend and I had planned this outing for months and we anticipated some great waterfowl hunting.
On the Outdoors: Enjoy bow season and follow the rules
Overall, archers accounted for 35 percent of 239,475 deer taken during Ohio's combined 2010-11 archery, muzzleloader and gun seasons. According to Division of Wildlife, Licking County led the state in archery harvest. Now add Coshocton, Tuscarawas, Ashtabula and Holmes to see the top counties.
Be prepared: Applying Boy Scout’s motto to travel
Preparing for a hunting adventure can be as enjoyable and challenging as the trip itself. A great friend and I are heading to Manitoba,...
Retiring journalist’s compilation of outdoor columns is worth your time
Good writing deserves good reading and not just one time through, but time after time. That's the best way to describe a recent release...
On the Outdoors: Remember, safety is first when it comes to hunter’s tree stands
Tree stand safety can't be stressed enough. Several online sources offer suggestions, so do instructions and disclaimers that come with every new climber, ladder stand, and strap-on stand.
On the Outdoors: Outdoorsmen setting standard in community service
While touring the Portage County Randolph Fair, I spotted avid Suffield, Ohio outdoorsman Al Kisamore in the hog auction audience. He was representing the Ohio Fur Takers club, an active conservation-minded group that each puts its money where a needy mouth is.
Lake Temagami– and lessons to learn on it
TEMAGAMI, Ontario -- Known far and wide as a significant site for trophy lake trout, Lake Temagami is good, but not the big fish...
Give crate training a try, for dogs in your life
Have crate, will travel. The crate is for Fido, a place for him to relax and feel safe, while you, the dog’s owner, travel.