My travels have been full of Kodak moments, but you can’t keep all those...
Culling my photos from 35 years of outdoor hunting and travel ain't easy. But I have to face the inevitable. Stuff (all those slides) has to go.
Reports of increase in fur prices are encouraging
Area trappers may be looking at a decent paycheck for a change. It's been several years since raw fur prices have rewarded those dedicated outdoorsmen who work the steel for anything other than the sheer joy of being out there, but reports of rising prices are encouraging.
Fishing technology specialist and walleye pro to hold workshop in Ohio
Past Michigan walleye pro and now full-time walleye fishing educator Lance Valentine is coming to Ohio and calling class to order next weekend. His class, titled Walleye Fishing 101, will be offered Feb. 4 at Ravenna Marine.
A tale of three hunters and their owner
Meet four kindred spirits: Georgia, Gabby, Ike and Rick. Georgia is five years young, spunky and quick, friendly one minute, aloof the next, a...
Wildlife/outdoors groups to avoid, and to support
Twelve names to remember when it comes to those who would rather all hunting, trapping and for that matter, sound wildlife management strategies, be stopped, include the Humane Society of the United States and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).
Gray wolves are no longer endangered species in the Great Lakes region
Give a standing ovation to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for a recent decision to remove the gray wolf from the Endangered Species Act in the western Great Lakes region.
That wonderful time of year: outdoor sports show season
It's show time, a sure sign that winter is on the slide, daylight is returning, and a new year of outdoor sports will emerge from its snow covered den eventually.
On the Outdoors: Gift suggestions for the outdoor enthusiast on your Christmas list
Every outdoor enthusiast needs more stuff. And that in itself is enough to make shopping for that special, although often absent, sportsman or woman easy. But it's not because he or she already has everything, or at least it seems so. So let's go shopping.
Pheasant quest is more about hunt than harvest
Redfield, South Dakota. Even when it's bad it's good. That's the best way to describe South Dakota pheasant hunting this fall following a devastating...
Ohio’s archery season numbers mean plenty deer still out there
At the end of six weeks of archery season, which opened Sept. 24, 2011, Licking County held the lead for kill numbers with 1,836 deer tagged.