Hunting and fishing aren’t what they used to be
Electronics and technology have changed the way sportsmen do things. Anglers used to find fish by fishing for them. Of course using visible cues...
Dogs add to the enjoyment of hunting
Mike shares his experience hunting with dogs.
More opportunities than ever to hunt deer in Ohio
Deer hunting in Ohio draws the most interest from hunters, far exceeding any other hunting activity.
While serious deer hunters have been thinking about their...
TMF Sport Shop: A place for fishing gear and friends
Build it and they will come may have worked like a charm for the big screen dreamer who built a baseball diamond in his...
Writers test mad angler skillz and live to tell about it
Six outdoor communicators with cameras at work. How fun. Hold this, smile, look at the fish, shake the fin out, hold it up, tip it, and on and on.
Boaters: Follow the rules for licensing and flotation devices
A car or truck has a VIN — a Vehicle Identification Number — and a boat must have a HIN, a Hull Identification Number....
Yellow perch are poppin’ all along Lake Erie
With the current interest in Lake Erie yellow perch fishing it seems appropriate to seek answers to the most asked questions. Experienced perch jerker...
Get ready: It is perch season!
Yellow perch season starts now. No, there’s nothing official, nothing listed in the regulations books, nothing posted near launch ramps, no opening day or...
Casual angler turned pro heads to Lake Erie contest
The knees ache like thumbs that have met the business end of a hammer. The lower back sends signals to the brain to quit...
Good news: Ohio’s deer hunting regulations finally in place
After months of hearing yes, no and maybe from wildlife officials, this year’s deer hunting regs, as well as those for all hunting and...